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Free Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

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The mythical celtic cross tarot readings will help you decipher the signs that appear in your life every day, show the meaning of your dreams and tell you what future holds in store for you.

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What is the Celtic tarot?

The Celtic tarot is a tarot deck that uses the ancient Celtic Cross to find the answers you seek. It’s a powerful and mystical tarot that employs the energies from both this world and the spirits.

The spread of this tarot uses 22 cards but, if the tarot reader finds it necessary, you can use all the cards available. 

Due to the magical origin of the Celtic countries, such as Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the Celtic tarot has an immense magic from elemental beings and mother earth.

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The Celts also believed in three powerful kingdoms: mineral, animal and vegetable, which were the building blocks of nature. 

By using the power from both the earth and the spirits, you can get a better vision of the future and receive a guide to solve the problems that will come. 

How does it work?

For the spread of the free Celtic tarot is important that, before asking questions, you visualize the situation; focus on it, feel it and believe its real. Only then we will be sure that the query will be a success. 

After you get the results, you will understand your present, what might happen to you in the future, what happens around your world, and pieces of the past that still affects your feelings and emotions today.

Find out now what the Celtic tarot has to tell you!


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